Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just How Fast is My Internet Connection

Where I live Streamyx what can only be described as a valley Streamyx a number of factors that I will be explaining below mean that communications seem Streamyx be a little bit of an issue. I have a Streamyx Streamyx the Streamyx but I am left asking just how fast is my internet connection.

When I Streamyx moved Streamyx I was delighted to find out that the company that maintain the grounds offer their own phone Streamyx internet service and you just call them up and they come round and install it for you. However Streamyx comes at a cost and I find out that it is a high cost because it is double that of a standard line and internet connection, half the speed double the price! Streamyx I think not!

So being in an area where I can get one of the new WIMAX (wireless broadband) I call up and they send an engineer who Streamyx scratching his head and tells me there is a mountain in the way. "If its a problem then just move it!" I joke as he heads for the door. Streamyx that kills off yet Streamyx idea and I am left with the option of a mobile connection using 3G technology.

The 3G technology proves to be a hit but there are a few downfalls, there are times Streamyx 3G isn't available and at this time I am left asking just how fast is my internet connection when I don't have my super speed?

I am somewhat gutted to find that my connection is less than that of the old dial up connection after running the speed test so I begin to look around for a way to make that go faster when I don't have my fast connection.

There are ways of making your internet connection faster when you have a slow link but the first thing I had to do was to ask myself just how fast is my internet connection.

How Fast is my internet connection? Looking at speed tests and making Streamyx go faster.


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